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7 Ways to Prepare While Still Relaxing This Summer

As a teacher you already know that there is so much to do, all the time…even during the summer!  “But you have summers off, right?”  (Don’t you love when people…

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Honoring September 11th in Your Classroom

How do you remember the events of September 11th in your classroom? I wasn’t always sure how to approach such a sensitive subject… During the summer of 2002 (the summer

5 Ways to Create a Class Community

…note, print it on a sheet of labels, stick the label on the postcards, sign them, and stick them in the mail! You can also make your own postcards to…

5 Time Saving Tips for Classroom Setup

…so many things to write names on once you receive your class list.  Name tags, clothespins, craft sticks (to choose partners, etc.), lockers/desk tags, mailbox labels, folder labels, notebook labels,…

Easy to Implement Personal Narrative Writing Strategies

…to a small moment in a long summer.  You can discuss with students all of the fun they had in the summer and how many “big moments” fill their summers. …

How to Use Volunteers in Your Classroom

…home. Labeling-If you are like me, I love to label all the things! But it does take time, so don’t be afraid to send things home with students for families…

7 Meaningful Activities for the First Week of School

…When everyone is used to summer schedules (and snacks), it takes some time to get back in the swing of things.  I’ve always liked to do a fun activity that…

End of the Year Reflections

summer loving-flip flop-mode & it is time to return to the classroom. I make a few lists for myself to reflect on my classroom management strategies, classroom setup, small group…

My Classroom

…Over the summer I took home an old desk, chair, and small shelf from my room. The desk was really marked up and I had not really been using it…

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