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Reading Workshop: How to Keep Your Mini Lesson Focused

A reading workshop model consists of whole group instruction, direct instruction, and independent reading.  This includes mini-lessons, independent reading time where students practice reading strategies,…

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5 Tips for Teaching Students How To Revise and Edit Writing

Writing is hard. Plain and simple, it is difficult (even as I sit and write this, I have these feelings!) And revising and editing are…

Writing Workshop Mini-Lessons: How to Keep the Mini-Lesson Mini

Are you ready to try using mini-lessons in your writing workshop but you’re not sure how you can ever fit all the things into such…

Writing Workshop: How to Set Up a Schedule That Works

Setting up a schedule for your writing workshop does not need to feel overwhelming. Set up a writing workshop schedule that easily fits into your…

5 Reasons to Use Mentor Text in Your Classroom

There are so many benefits to reading mentor text in your classroom.  Reading aloud helps develop positive reading habits, exposes children to advanced vocabulary, demonstrates…

Starting a Guest Reader Program in Your Classroom

Having a guest reader in your classroom is so beneficial for so many reasons.  I genuinely love having guest readers in the classroom! Setting up…

A Holiday Gift Giving Guide for Your Teacher

Around this time every year, I see posts on social media and get messages from friends about teacher holiday gifts.  Any gift that you give…

How to Tackle Grading When It Seems Overwhelming

There are few things that are certain in life and the pile of papers on your desk waiting to be graded is probably one of…

A Quick Fix for Misspelled Words

Spelling mistakes.  They seem like a never ending battle!  “How do you spell…..?”  may be a familiar statement in many classrooms. I’d love to say…

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