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How To Make Writing Conferences Meaningful

Writing conferences are such an important part of writing workshop. They give you a chance to get to know your students as writers, help them…

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Reasons to Use Writing Portfolios

Completing a piece of writing is surely something to celebrate. It is one of the reasons why I love teaching writing so much; the end…

Easy to Implement Personal Narrative Writing Strategies

Personal narratives is always a fun genre of writing to teach, but it can also be challenging. Students LOVE to tell their own stories, we…

Launching Writing Workshop: 5 Lessons to Launch Writing

Writing workshop allows your students to become active writers; creating their very own text.  Your students will acquire writing skills, build writing fluency, and develop…

Launching Writing Workshop: 8 Favorite Mentor Text for Writing Routines

Launching writing workshop is all about setting up routines. Walking students through the writing process, setting expectations, and setting goals for writing before even beginning…

Setting Up Writer’s Notebooks: Creating Tools for Successful Writing

Organization is key during writing workshop! To keep organized, your students can keep a writer’s notebook. The writer’s notebook will go with them wherever they…

5 Tips for Teaching Students How To Revise and Edit Writing

Writing is hard. Plain and simple, it is difficult (even as I sit and write this, I have these feelings!) And revising and editing are…

Easy to Implement Persuasive Writing Strategies

Teaching persuasive writing is always one of my favorite writing projects. It is always fun to watch students bloom as writers when they have a…

Writing Workshop Mini-Lessons: How to Keep the Mini-Lesson Mini

Are you ready to try using mini-lessons in your writing workshop but you’re not sure how you can ever fit all the things into such…

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