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The Ultimate List of Upper Elementary Activities for February

February is full of special occasions and the month is filled with a lot of fun celebrations that also invite unique learning opportunities. Groundhog Day,…

10 Chapter Books That Will Captivate Your Whole Class

Reading aloud to a whole class of students has always been one of my favorite things to do in the classroom. It’s a great way…

2023 New Book Releases: New Children’s Books to Look for …

2023 is full of new book releases in children’s literature, and I can’t wait to fill my shelves! I always love finding new books to…

Planning for the Week After Winter Break

The first day after winter break sometimes feels like a second first day of school.  You never know what to expect!  It’s hard to get…

January Books & Activities Your Upper Elementary Students Will Love

Coming back after winter break, to a brand new year, is always fun. There’s excitement in the air, but it can also feel like the…

After the Fall: Activities to Discuss Overcoming Fears

Activities that encourage discussions about overcoming obstacles.

Favorite December Activities and Read Alouds

December sometimes feels like a whirlwind; there are concerts, parties, and lots of interruptions to your normal schedules and routines.  Trying to keep your students…

Five Must-Read Mentor Texts for Teaching Persuasive Writing

Are you ready for your students to write persuasive essays with ease? Teaching persuasive writing is such an important skill for elementary students. It can…

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