Back to school forms, student book, notes for teacher and parents, and letters to create a bulletin board!
There are THIRTY pages of EDITABLE back to school forms to create a handbook to send home all the information parents need at the beginning of the year!
*Cover: Welcome to (enter your name/class/year)
*Welcome letter for parents with two versions: one filled out for you or one to fill in your own info.
*Class rules
*Supply list
*Classroom procedures
*Homework policy
*Class list
*Daily schedule
*Attendance policy
*Behavior plan
*Classroom management
*Classroom technology
*Teacher contact information
*Parent contact information
*Dismissal procedures
*Follow along with us-page to fill in any classroom social media, newsletter info, communication apps, etc.
*Other important info: two versions provided with suggested titles and blank titles
*Family volunteers: two versions provided with the form filled in and blank
*Getting to know you survey: two versions provided with a complete survey or create your own
*Dear Teacher letter: two versions provided to use the template or create your own
*Getting to know your teacher: three versions provided where you can fill in any information, create your own with or without cute clipart
A “First Day of School” book is perfect to have students complete for a keepsake of the first day.
This book can fit in the Target Dollar Spot blank books but can also be assembled on its own!
There are also 15 Digital slides included to use on devices.
*The first day (info)
*This is me
*All about me
**Our class rules-draw and write pages
*My teacher-draw and write pages
*Our classroom-draw and write pages
*It's so good to be back-two writing prompts about being back in school
*First day feelings-beginning and end of the day feelings
*Two truths and a first day lie
*Top five from the first day
*Bring on DAY TWO!
Bulletin board letters-Welcome Back
Two quick notes to send home so parents have to send in when students are absent or just when they have a note for the teacher and one note for the teacher to send home a quick note!
Directions on how to edit are included but basic knowledge of PowerPoint is needed in order to edit the documents.
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