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Classroom Economy: Classroom Management-Class Economy Jobs & Money


Total Pages: 63 pages
File Size: 12 MB




SKU: 2002572 Category: Tags: , , , , , ,


A complete classroom economy with more than 60 pages of materials to get your classroom economy started!

Included in this pack are:

1. Detailed directions on how to get started.

2. Student checkbooks-cover, register pages, directions, how to write a check tutorial, checks, and a wallet.

3. Class Cash (classroom money)-increments of 1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100.

4. A 10 page flipbook as a guide for students with important terms and directions of how to use a classroom economy.

5. Classroom set of posters with important terms: deposit, withdraw, entrepreneur, consumer, balance, marketing.

6. Job application for students to fill out and apply for classroom jobs.

7. Market Day information-choose students to be entrepreneurs for market day, have them write a proposal and send a letter home to parents.

8. Editable pages-job offer for students applying for jobs, editable job cards for you to fill in the job descriptions and salaries, list of rewards to save for, and the pay scale for jobs in the classroom.

9. Budgeting and expenses brochure-a two sided brochure to teach the importance of budgeting money.

10. Classroom coupons and lottery tickets-15 choices of class coupons that print 9 to a page and a page of lottery tickets.

Establishing a classroom economy is a wonderful way to enforce classroom rules and procedures while practicing the very important life skill of money management while also practicing math!

I have had wonderful feedback from parents and students through the years and hope you will enjoy using this system as you see fit in your classroom!

Please note that pages that are editable are editable in Power Point.

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