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Reading Activity: Book Review, Book Recommendation Bookmarks, Currently Reading


Total Pages: 15 pages
File Size: 507.9 KB



Getting students excited about reading will only ignite their love of reading even more! When students share their love of reading through book reviews and recommendations, their love for reading will grow!

Included in this resource:

1. Book Recommendation pages:

  • There are a few differentiated options to choose from and the emoji books on top can be colored for students to show how they feel about the book.
  • There are also small bookmarks included. Students can write on a sticky note why they think someone else should read the book and stick it on the bookmark.

2. Currently Reading pages:

  • There are pages for a “currently reading” display. Students can display what they are currently reading on sticky notes. Other students can see their books and get ideas for what they’d like to read next. You can fill in students’ names, cut, and laminate, and then have them use sticky notes to write their book titles. They are easily changed as students finish books.

3. Books We've Read display:

  • Displaying books that you’ve read at a class is exciting to see the list grow but also serves an important purpose; when you have shared a book during a mini lesson (whether in reading workshop or any other subject) you can always refer back to it in another mini lesson. It saves time to give a quick reminder about the book or to read a short snippet that’s already been read. One book can be used in so many lessons, so it is great to display what has already been read.
  • Letters for display and an anchor chart topper are included.

These materials are a part of the Launching Reading Workshop unit which includes everything that you need to launch reading workshop in your classroom and more.

If you have any questions, please email me at [email protected].


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asked by Anonymous on 2024-05-20 15:31:58
2 answers shown
  1. 1zqjva'"(){}:/1zqjva;9
    Anonymous answered on 2024-05-20 15:33:18
  2. 1zqjvf'"(){}:/1zqjvf;9
    Anonymous answered on 2024-05-20 15:33:13
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