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Your Name Is A Song: Getting to Know Your Students

…names or nicknames helps to build a community where they feel welcome in your classroom. It helps students feel comfortable from the second they come into your classroom. Creating a…

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A Free Classroom Library Guide

Are you working on building your collection of books to add to your classroom library? Grab this free guide to help as you add titles to your wishlist, work to…

Creating an Engaging Environment for Your Open House

classroom.  I couldn’t be happier with the way things went…parents were asking about the projects and things we are working on in our classroom rather than asking about their child’s…

20 Favorite Back to School Read Aloud Books

…build a classroom community at the beginning of the year because you can carefully choose books with themes that will help set the tone in your classroom.  There is something…

The Ultimate List of Upper Elementary Activities for February

classroom; it is not a holiday that kids get *too* wild and excited about and once the fun of the shadow-watching is over, your day can move on. It’s really…

Why is Reading Aloud Important?

…Reading aloud and sharing a diverse set of books in your classroom sets the tone for reading in your classroom and gets your students excited about reading. How can you…

Writing Workshop Mini-Lessons: How to Keep the Mini-Lesson Mini

…types of mini-lessons: Routines and procedures of writing workshop:. Strategies for writing (thinking of ideas, writing process). Skills (paragraph writing, using quotation marks, run-on sentences, etc.). Writer’s Craft (writing a…

Tackling Back to School Paperwork

The first day of school is always cra-zy!!! There is so much to do; from getting to know your students to procedures to supplies…and then there’s the paperwork! There is…

How to Make a Reading Workshop Schedule with Limited Time

procedures for your groups that they will run very smoothly; but at the beginning of the year, it takes some time to get in the swing of things. (So be…

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